We’ve got 10 pairs of tickets to give away to the below movies screening at SF Indiefest! To score them, send an email by 5pm Thursday/7 to marke@48hills.org with:
Subject line: “Indiefest” + the name of the movie you wish to see below
Body of email: your full name
Fri Feb 8, 5p, WILDLAND
Sat Feb 9 715p, SEVEN STAGES
Sat Feb 9, 930p, THE SECRET POPPO
Sun Feb 10, 5p, I AM MARIS
Sun Feb 10, 715p, I MAY REGRET
Sun Feb 10, 930p, CRUEL HEARTS
Alex Jablonski, Kahlil Hudson
USA 90 min Documentary
Fri Feb 8, 5p Roxie Theater
Epic and intimate in the same breath, Wildland tells the story of a single wildland firefighting crew as they struggle with fear, loyalty, love, and defeat. What emerges is a story of a small group of working-class men, their exterior world, their interior lives, and the fire that lies between.
Seven Stages To Achieve Eternal Bliss By Passing Through The Gateway Chosen By The Holy Storsh
Vivieno Caldinelli
USA 96 min
Sat Feb 9, 715p Roxie Theater
A hapless couple arrive in L.A. and end up living in the suicide headquarters of a cult. A dark comedy starring Dan Harmon as a John Candy-esque cop, Caldinelli’s debut doesn’t leave the audience room to question its absurdity, just feel the assault of maniac joy on the senses.
The Secret Poppo
Nevi Cline, Zach Harris, Sean Pierce
USA 86 min
Sat Feb 9, 930p Roxie
Discovering his granddaughter is missing, Poppo goes on quest of diminutive proportions, eventually uncovering a conspiracy that’s either a cult, or sci-fi, or a sci-fi cult. The team behind Meathead Goes Hogwild (IndieFest 2015) return with a largely improvised headscratcher that plays out like Poirot on a park bench.
I am Maris: Portrait of a Young Yogi
Laura Vanzee Taylor
USA 54 min Documentary, Local
Fri Feb 8, 5p; Sun Feb 10, 5p Roxie
Tormented by mental illness and hospitalized for life-threatening anorexia, a teenage girl confronts her buried emotions through yoga. Her journey from despair to self-acceptance is illustrated through vivid animation based on her haunting artwork and writing.
with: Introducing the Super Stoked Surf Mamas of Pleasure Point, 20 min
I May Regret
Graham Streeter
USA 100 min
Sun Feb 10, 715p Roxie
Suffering from dementia, an ailing woman finds herself at the mercy of a young live-in nurse who is out to kill her and take her life’s fortune–or is she? Dementia plays a starring role in this brilliant thriller that will keep you guessing until the very last minute.
Cruel Hearts
Paul Osbourne
USA 86 min
Sun Feb 10, 930p Roxie
Discovering the woman he has been sleeping with is married to a crime boss, a man seeks out the notorious criminal and offers himself up for punishment forgiveness. A film noir that conjures up memories of Hitchcock and Preminger, Cruel Hearts harkens back to a Hollywood of characters and intricate plotting.