We are, like all thinking and feeling Americans, horrified by the events of last night. The vigil tonight starts at 7:30 pm, at 18th and Castro. We are posting here the two best things we have read so far, both from Facebook.

From Tom Ammiano:
The hardest thing to do right now is take a step back, to grieve, to plan. Everything is so raw, I want to lash out, but know violence can’t begat violence. There are those who will over politicize, but we need a community response free of rhetoric. Let’s mourn, and then fight back against the hate speech and the opportunism the laissez faire homophobia that enables. I was struck by the wonderful response for blood, and then troubled by the gratuitous restriction on gay men donating. I understand there will be a gathering at 18th and Castro for later today, although I am sure there will be spontaneous actions as well.
Take heart my friends, our freedom comes at a high price almost unbearable but Harvey Milk who paid that price knew that we could weather this, pay homage, and move forward.
From Marke B:
More being as queer as possible. More kissing in public. More drag in the streets. More dancing in nightclubs. More organizing to demand accountability and change. More wearing whatever you want, loving whoever you love, being whoever you are, wherever you are. More always being there for each other. More love everywhere right now.