The mayor is following what the Chronicle editorial board and Willie Brown suggested, and sweeping homeless people off Division Street. We will have a full report on this shortly, but in the meantime Peter Menchini has a great video.
SF Police Raid Division St Homeless 23 Feb 2016 from Peter Menchini on Vimeo.
The questions are clear and simple: If the city can’t provide enough shelter beds for the homeless population, where are they supposed to go? If Pier 80 so lacks privacy that people would rather sleep on the streets, why is that a solution?

Why can’t the people on Division Street move their tents to the pier, where there is plenty of room for them?
Why do homeless people have to be treated like criminals? Why can’t we find creative solutions that give folks who just aren’t rich enough to pay market-rate rent in Ed Lee’s San Francisco a little bit of dignity?