It’s a simple question: Do you like to smoke weed in your own home, that place you pay crazy high rent on so you can live in this amazing city? Well, there is a supervisor in San Francisco who wants to take the right to smoke cannabis away from you. After all the work we have done to legalize weed in this state and bring valuable medicine to those who need it, the city could move to stop you, fine you $1,000 a day for smoking cannabis.
Who the hell thought this one up?

Like this year has not been bad enough. Let’s enact legislation that will hamper our right to enjoy cannabis in our own homes. As we decry bad politicians doing terrible things across this great land, here we have some insidious politicians trying to come inside our domiciles and tell us what we can and cannot do in our homes.
I need all stoners and cannabis users to PUT DOWN THE WEED!
We need to write letters to our city supervisors and start a social media campaign now to send this law packin’ with the flood of techies leaving the city.
We need to stop this!
Contact your supervisor and complain.
The vote is Tuesday, December 1. Do it now and often!
I talked with Menaka Mahajan, a cannabis consultant and advocate, who is spearheading a local online protest. Use these hashtags so she can track them, #oppose201265 and #420athome
Mahajan, whose Instagram handle is @mahamunchie, said people could message her on IG if they have questions or want to help. They can also find the artwork to repost for the protest.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Norman Yee introduced the legislation, which is primarily aimed at cigarette smoking – but also includes vaping and smoking cannabis. Yee wrote the measure over his concern of secondhand smoke traveling into other units.
Yee can do what he wants about cigarette smoking. Damage from cigarettes has been proven for years, so I get that, but there is no evidence of damage from second-hand cannabis smoke.
They say there will be an exemption for medicinal users, but, sorry, that is not near enough.
Currently, District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman is working on an amendment that would exempt all cannabis users. Let’s send him some love and support!
There are so many more pressing concerns in this city during a pandemic than trying to limit what people can do in their own homes while we are forced to stay inside.
How will you enforce it? Send out a patrol of nosey neighbors like Gladys Kravitz from TV’s Bewitched to go sniffing around halls and peeking in windows?
What if people cannot pay the $1,000 a day fine? Hey, after a week it’s $5,000 to $7,000 depending if it is a work week or a full week.
Can you even imagine all the beleaguered cops having to go to all these stoners’ houses because of complaints?
“Sir, we need you to put down the Cheetos, and if you blow that cloud of delicious Grandaddy Purple smoke at me, I will have to Taser you!”
At least stoners will be easy to catch in a chase, running all slow and getting lost with their best stash and favorite bong in their arms along with that unfinished bag of gummy worms.
I don’t think they thought this through very well.
Let your voice be heard on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Medium.
Send smoke signals!
You can even write a letter to your supervisor, put a stamp on it and mail it. It’s old school, but they can actually hold it in their hands.
We worked too hard to get through legalization and all the pitfalls in Prop 64, to all of a sudden lose our right to smoke cannabis in our own homes.
There are more of us stoners than there are of them, so let’s be heard! Now!
Then have a nice cannabis treat delivered for you to enjoy in your home.
That is your right.
Now I’m gonna light up.
Be safe, be well, be stoned, be home.