I don’t have too much to report this week, other than LOOK AT THESE GIANT AREPAS from Andina, the new Venezuelan lunch spot that takes over the B-Side space at SFJAZZ. They are absolutely delicious, and I love a gut-busting arepa served in a little box like a dainty ham-bur-ger. You can also get a Mexican coke and feel very decadent in the early afternoon.

PS Oh wait, do you know that there pre-sales are on for the tour of one of my favorite screen things, Tim Robinson’s I Think You Should Leave, on May 3? The code is “leave”—really mad that it is not “Coffin Flop.”

THU/8-MARCH 30: THE AUDIUM: NEW VOICES III Sonic installation venue The Audium is an incredible institution that screams San Francisco (but using immersive analog surround-sound effects, in the dark.) It’s been expanding its incredible legacy lately by inviting young and diverse composers to take over the space with their compositions. Check out custom sound works by Danishta Rivero (Caribay & Voicehandler), Roco Cordova (Dorian Wood, Art Ensemble of Chicago), and Makana Muanga in the latest installment, and allow yourself to be transported into their worlds.
FRI/9 + SAT/10: MUSIC FOR 12 PIANOS “Presented by Sunset Piano, the founders of Flower Piano, in partnership with Grace Cathedral, Music for Twelve Pianos features Fall and Fly by Benjamin Gribble and the world premiere of Sweet Thunder by Paul Phillips. Sunset Piano will bring twelve grand pianos into the cathedral for live performances of these two original, full-length works, along with special guests Diana Gameros and George Long.” 7pm, Grace Cathedral, SF. More info here.

FRI/9-SUN/11: 56TH CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUARIAN BOOK FAIR This is so my jam. More than 100 collectors whip out their rare volumes, maps, spiny curiosities and ephemera—including the original handwritten, working lyrics for “Lovely Rita” by the Beatles (in Paul McCartney’s handwriting) and Ivor Beddoes’ original preparatory sketches for Superman starring Christopher Reeve. Let me at ’em! Pier 27, SF. More info here.
FRI/9: SAFADA CARNAVAL 2024 Carnaval season is kicking off, and a huge party at Great Northern, combining samba dancers and Brazilian street energy with tropical techno grooves will get everyone’s feathers shaking. 10pm, Great Northern, SF. More info here.
FRI/9-SUN/11: FRESH FESTIVAL 2024 An explosion of experimental dance and performance, launched by the late, great Kathleen Hermesdorf 15 years ago. Featuring mayfield brooks, Sara Shelton Mann, Albert Mathias, enNingúnLugar, gizeh muñiz vengel, Asian Babe Gang, and many more. Dance Mission Theater, SF. More info here.

SAT/10 + SUN/11: IDOL WORSHIP: AN EVENING WITH MINK STOLE AND PEACHES CHRIST The beloved John Waters anti-heroine and fabulously talented stage performer meets our very own towering drag queen personality for an evening of horrifically good fun. 446 Valencia, SF. More info here.
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SAT/10: 13TH ANNUAL TWO-SPIRIT POWWOW One of my favorite activities of the year, gathering amazing magical energy of tribes near and far, as two-spirits celebrate the beauty of indigenous people. “For the past 25 years, Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS) has been creating sober gathering spaces and events for the Two-Spirit & IndigeQueer community in the Bay Area and beyond. Originally founded in 1999 by Two Spirit community members organizing the International Two Spirit Gathering in the Bay Area, BAAITS proudly continues to grow and expand to welcome Two-Spirits, IndigeQueer, and TG/GNC LGBQIA+ people as they/we learn and reconnect with their/our Indigenous roots.” 10am-6:30pm, Fort Mason Pavilion, SF. More info here.

SAT/10: LOVERS LANE The only V-Day thing I will whole-heartedly (see what I did there) sanction, because it’s about love for the community! Balmy Alley in. the Mission District will be full of music, dance, art, crafts, performances, activities, DJs, food, and even some lowriders. Come out and show your SF heart. 11am-6pm, Balmy Alley and 25th Street between Harrison and Treat, SF. More info here.
SAT/10: QAOTIQ You know I love a good queer after-hours party (one that I can write about!), so I am telling you don’t miss this all-night showcase of local DJ talent, including Carlos Souffront, CarrieOn Disco, Stoned Fruit, Mozhgan, Jordee, Matthew Paul, Deezy, and Chuck Gunn. 10pm-4am, Counterpulse, SF. More info here.
TUE/13 SO THIS SUCKS: A NIGHT OF HEARTBREAK & DISAPPOINTMENT SAN FANCISCO Perhaps nothing binds a romance together more than watching other romances fall apart, which could be a Valentine’s Day selling point for this evening of humorous and horrifying stories of stand-ups and breakups. 7:30pm, Gateway Theatre, SF. More info here.