The week’s choice nightlife and dance floor affairs, Jan. 14-20, 2015

By Marke B.
PARTY RADAR House music is a universal language, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its share of fascinating regional idioms. And ever since dance music site Resident Advisor profiled the vibrant house scene in Johannesburg in 2013, the global house community has been all agog for DJs like Black Coffee, Culoe de Song, and Shimza — and the soulful magic they’re creating down there.
Mixing pretty/haunting vocal tracks into hypnotic, deep beats, the masters of South Africa bring all manner of tricks to the table, especially in terms of dynamics and rhythm. Um, only DJ Black Coffee could turn a gutsy version of “Personal Jesus” into an aching, tribal concerto (at 55:00 below, but really the whole thing is brilliant):
Oh, and that was after he performed with a full symphony for 70,000 people at Durban’s Moses Mabhida Stadium. But I digress. Black Coffee will light up Public Works this Friday. Put on your dancing shoes, please. But that affair — and the wonderful-sounding Fleetmac Wood party on Saturday — are just two of the awesome things happening over this long MLK weekend. Let’s party in love and harmony:
Holy Dionysus — has it really been 30 years since hip-hop DJ icon Apollo took to the tables? Freaking out. Join the Triple Threat scratch master and his legions of Bay Area fans for a special two-hour set celebration at Mighty. With Shortkut, Mind Motion, and Fran Boogie.
Fri/16, 9pm, free before 11 with RSVP. Mighty, 119 Utah, SF.
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If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to check out the newly relaunched Temple, this night will give you good reason: Future Factory is a new Friday night dedicated to “cutting edge dance sounds” — and while this may not be the most experimental of directions, hosting a label showcase by label Anabatic Records is a damned good start. Local wonder boy Worthy heads it up, with Ardalan and Sepehr bringing bass-heavy grooves and some good goofy-smart fun.
Fri/16, 11pm-4am, $ Temple, 540 Howard, SF. Tickets
The venerable queer hip-hop throwdown is one of the most diverse (crowd-wise and sound-wise) experiences in SF. Don’t miss this installment as the party moves to the new Oasis club, with hyper-cosmicc local duo Double Duchess leading the children.
Fri/16, 10pm-3am, $10. Oasis, 298 11th St., SF. Tickets
The venerably insane art-drag extravaganza weekly turns five?? My how the years and drinks have flown. Bon anniversaire or whatever to DJ Down-E, VivvyAnne Forevermore, Glamamore, Dulce de Leche, and the rest of the kooky crew. With performances from every queen under the sun, and cute DJ Stanley Frank Sensation!
Fri/16, 10pm-late, $7. The Stud, 399 Ninth, SF.
Gorgeous, otherworldly-industrial sounds from this Kansas City producer, whose 2013 Colonial Patterns album continues to haunt and inspire. He’ll be getting atmospheric with our own Dr. Sleep and Sage Caswell the Bananas #2 party at UndergroundSF.
Fri/16, 10pm, $10. UndergroundSF, 424 Haight, SF. Tickets
Can’t get enough of that African-influenced house sound? Our very own deep practitioner — and one of my favorite people ever — DJ Said will be blowing up Oakland. His roots in Afrobeat and other global rhythms inform his excellent house sets. It’s been a long time since we’ve heard him out, and the wait will be worth it. At the Deeper Side of Soul party with Dedan, Kincaid, and Eric Groove.
Sat/17, 9pm, $5. Shadow Lounge, 341 13th St., Oakl. More info
For well-nigh a decade, DJ Icey has brought a warming blend of funky breaks and Playa-ready grooves to a crowd dressed all in white. It has been delightful. Throw on something fake-snow-covered and dance like the special little snowflake you are.
Sat/17, 10pm-4am, $20 Mighty, 119 Utah, SF. Tickets
If you care anything at all for pure, unadulterated ecstasy on a dance floor — or at least a self-surprising emotional breakdown during the extended version of “Young Guns” by Wham! — please go see this glorious foursome from London. Old school gems played in an entirely unique way, with a sense of joy and discovery. At the Lights Down Low party.
Sat/17, 10pm-3am, $10-$20. Monarch, 101 Sixth St., SF. Tickets.
Oh, the juiciest dancing and carrying on at the leather bar with the boys, courtesy of Juanita More, Walter Gomez nee Walter Gomess, and Sidekick. Door proceeds to the Transgender Law Center.
Sat/17, 9pm, $5. Powerhouse, 1347 Folsom, SF.
Well well well, San Francisco’s favorite underground gay disco DJ is turning 104 54, and we couldn’t be more delighted — she lived! DJ Bus Station John has kept the faith of the good ol’ days (no cell phones allowed!) like a true champ, and for his own birthday he’s spinning a full seven hours. Truly, tequila is a fuel. His Disco Daddy monthly party at the Eagle is one of the great recent parties to happen to us, and this Studio “54” bash is a must. Let’s blow out those candles.
Sun/18, 7pm-2am, $5. The Eagle, 398 12th St., SF.
I love that Bobby Hustle exists. The young Seattlite dancehall dude just makes me smile, which is kind of what reggae’s supposed to do. Expect a blast of positivity and sing-alongs (and some haze) at the long running Dubmission weekly.
Sun/18, 9pm-2am, $7-$10. Elbo Room, 647 Valencia, SF. Tickets
The beloved big daddy from Berlin flies in to give Honey Soundsystem a classic house and techno whirl across the dance floor. This one goes late, and you don’t have to work the next day, so ….
Sun/18, 10pm-4am, $10-$15. Mighty, 119 Utah, SF.